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After booking your appointment.

You will receive digital forms through your email. All clients will receive a Covid-19 waiver before every appointment. New clients will receive a consultation/policies form along with the Covid-19 waiver. Please complete these forms and return to me at least 24 hours prior to your appointment time.

Your appointment day

When you arrive, please remain in your car and call or text to notify me of your arrival. I will reply when I am ready and meet you at the front door. Temperature check will be done upon entrance.

Please wear your masks as they are mandatory to receive services. To prevent retention issues, I will be using medical tape to seal the gap at top of your mask. This will reduce airflow to your eye area from warm exhalation.

As much as I love visitors, unfortunately at this time I cannot allow extra guests to accompany you during your appointment.


I also ask that we limit our conversation to only before and after the service. I will have a music playlist playing but feel free to bring in earbuds/AirPods to listen to whatever you'd like on your phone. 


Im sure you're missing your beauty treatments just as much as I do! In anticipation of opening up soon, I'd like to make you aware of a few things I will be doing differently to keep you and I safe and healthy.

©2020 by Lash & Glam. Proudly created with

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